A gathering in the clouds of worship and warfare on Shavu'ot (Pentecost) hosted by First Nations people. As covenant people, the native people are calling the ekklesia into the Ruth Covenant and for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit. We will, like Ruth, proclaim to Israel, "Your people will be my people," and we will pray for the salvation of Israel and for the wells of revival to burst forth across the land.
For Whom?
"If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink." ~ Yeshua (Jesus) in John 7:37b
If you are thirsty for more of Him, you are welcome to come!
Do I have to be Native to attend?
No! It is led by First Nations people but is for all races and ethnicities to attend. We are all indigenous to somewhere so represent your people on this Appointed Time. But fair warning: Attendance is limited to 500 so please register as soon as possible to guarantee you can attend. We cannot let people in at the door without pre-registration.
We are calling for a company of 500 committed ones, including elders and leaders among Native Americans, to gather to a chosen field called Hebron, in the region of the “apostolic chiefs.” From the evening of May 14 to May 16th, Pentecost Sunday, we will cry out for a fresh in-filling of the Holy Spirit; we will make Ruth's covenant statement to Israel "Your people will be my people and your God will be my God;" and Native America will rise up, no more a sleeping giant. In 1975, Billy Graham gave an iconic speech at a conference on Indian evangelism, saying to Native American leaders, “You are a sleeping giant, the original American. You are now awakening. Just around the corner, you may become a spiritual superpower in this country that could change not only America, but the world.”
Another prophetic voice, from Kansas City, Bob Jones, said that ‘one day the [Kansas City] Chiefs would win the Super Bowl, and it would be a sign that God was raising up his apostolic chiefs and revival would be imminent’. Bob’s favorite numbers were 22:22 or 222 and often had divine encounters on Feb. 2 throughout the years. As a signpost to us, not only did the Kansas City Chiefs win the Super Bowl on 2-02-20 but it was the coach’s 222 win. God is raising up His people with great authority.
The Ruth Connection
In a dream in a hotel in Jerusalem in 2007, the Lord spoke to Lou Engle.....
• Ruth Graham (the wife of Billy Graham) representing the 1948 establishment of Israel as a nation, and the corresponding 1948 worldwide explosion of evangelism.
• Ruth Heflin (an amazing prophetess and worship leader who lived and ministered in Israel for 26 years), representing the Presence of the Lord coming to Israel.
• Ruth Prince (Derek Prince’s wife). Derek, Lou' Engle's mentor, loved and lived in Israel and taught profusely on the prophetic destiny of the Jewish people. Ruth, in the dream, was representing the church’s embrace of Israel’s end-time purpose.
• Ruth (the biblical woman in the book of Ruth) representing a global churchwide covenant saying, “Your people shall be my people, and your God shall be my God.”
Another Dream
A second dream immediately followed the first dream. In this dream, Dutch Sheets and Lou were calling
for a Global Spiritual Aliyah.
“The dream interpretation came clearly to us. At the time we were mobilizing for The Call Nashville 07/07/07. We understood the dream to mean that the days would come when the 4 Ruths, the global gentile Ruth bride, would receive a call from heaven, a Call of united global fasting to turn her heart affections, passions, and prayers to Israel and the Jewish people saying, “Your people shall be my people, and your God shall be my God.”
We felt from our study of Ruth that the gentile bride of Christ in this fast would find and deepen her first love for Jesus as she seeks refuge under the wings of her Kinsman-Redeemer Yeshua. Then clearly, we understood that, though not able to make natural Aliyah, where like Naomi the natural Jews return from the bitterness of their diaspora to their homeland of Israel, many in the gentile church would make spiritual Aliyah like Ruth. They will marry their hearts to Yeshua, the Jewish people and land of Israel in preparation for the last days when the One New Man will bring forth the Son of David when He comes to set up his kingdom throne in Jerusalem.
This Ruth Call, we understood, would come in the time when Romans 11:12-15 would begin to be fulfilled, the time when the Jews begin to come to Christ in fullness. Such a movement will be like life from the dead for the whole world, a massive worldwide spiritual awakening.”
Registration is required, as space is limited. If you register and then are unable to attend, please cancel your reservation so another may attend. Your registration fee is a donation for the event and is non-refundable. If the fee is prohibitive to your attendance, please contact Jill Noble for scholarship availability. We want all to be able to join!