Let's Meet! (1 hour)
Let's hangout on Zoom!
Service Description
We are building community. We want to meet you! We are setting aside some time each week to meet new people and hear what’s on your heart. So, let's just hang out! Or maybe you have questions you want to ask us! Or do you just want us to tell your kids a Native story? Well, sign up for a date and when it comes, grab a cup of tea and we will Zoom together. (Tea Time with The RiverWinds is part of our "tent-making" enterprise - a way to support ourselves. We hope you understand that we would need to charge something for our time. I hope you will find our time with you engaging, encouraging, and well worth it.) Please note: Dr. RiverWind does not do medical consultations as the profession of naturopathy is illegal in the state of her residence, Tennessee. We offer the following: - "A Quick Cuppa" = 25 minutes of Zoom time = $50 (for this option, click here) - "High Tea Time" = 1 hour of Zoom time = $100
Contact Details